Transparency Banner

“A pearl buried inside a tightly-shut shell is practically worthless. Government information is a pearl, meant to be shared with the public in order to maximize its inherent value.

The Transparency Seal, depicted by a pearl shining out of an open shell, is a symbol of a policy shift towards openness in access to government information. On the one hand, it hopes to inspire Filipinos in the civil service to be more open to citizen engagement; on the other, to invite the Filipino citizenry to exercise their right to participate in governance.

This initiative is envisioned as a step in the right direction towards solidifying the position of the Philippines as the Pearl of the Orient – a shining example for democratic virtue in the region.”

Title Action
Mission, Vision and MandateView
Year 2024Year 2023Year 2022
FAR No. 4 Q4ViewFAR NO. 4 SAGF Q1 FY 2023ViewFAR No. 4 SAGF Q3 FY 2022View
FAR No.1-1 Q4ViewFAR NO. 4 GAA Q1 FY 2023ViewFAR No. 4 SAGF Q2 FY 2022View
BAR No.1 Q4ViewFAR NO. 1-A Q1 FY 2023ViewFAR No. 4 SAGF Q1 FY 2022View
BAR No.1 Q4ViewFAR NO. 1 Q1 FY 2023ViewFAR No. 4 GAA Q3 FY 2022View
BAR No,1 Q3ViewFAR NO. 4 SAGF Q2 FY 2023ViewFAR No. 4 GAA Q2 FY 2022View
FAR No.4 Q3ViewFAR NO. 4 GAA Q2 FY 2023ViewFAR No. 4 GAA Q1 FY 2022View
FAR No.1-A Q3ViewFAR NO. 1-A Q2 FY 2023ViewFAR No. 3 SAGF Q4 FY 2022View
BAR No.1 Q3ViewFAR NO. 1 Q2 FY 2023ViewFAR No. 3 GAA Q4 FY 2022View
BAR No. 1 Q2 FY 2024ViewFAR NO. 1-A Q4 FY 2023ViewFAR No. 1-A Q4 FY 2022View
BAR No. 1 Q1 FY 2024ViewFAR NO. 1 Q4 FY 2023ViewFAR No. 1-A Q3 FY 2022View
FAR No. 4 GAA Q2 FY 2024ViewFAR NO. 4 GAA Q4 FY 2023ViewFAR No. 1-A Q2 FY 2022View
FAR No. 1-A GAA Q2 FY 2024ViewFAR NO. 4 SAGF Q4 FY 2023ViewFAR No. 1-A Q1 FY 2022View
FAR No. 1 GAA Q2 FY 2024ViewFAR NO. 1-A Q3 FY 2023ViewFAR No. 1 Q4 FY 2022View
FAR No. 4 GAA Q1 FY 2024ViewFAR NO. 1 Q3 FY 2023ViewFAR No. 1 Q3 FY 2022View
FAR No. 1-A GAA Q1 FY 2024ViewFAR NO. 4 GAA Q3 FY 2023ViewFAR No. 1 Q2 FY 2022View
FAR No. 1 GAA Q1 FY 2024ViewFAR NO. 4 SAGF Q3 FY 2023View
Annual Report 2023View
Annual Report 2022View
Annual Report 2021View
Annual Report 2020View
Annual Report 2019View
Annual Report 2018View

Title Action
Procurement Monitoring Report as of December 31, 2024View
Procurement Monitoring Report as of June 30, 2024View
Procurement Monitoring report as of December 31, 2023View
Annual Procurement Plan for FY 2025 as of January 2025View
Annual Procurement Plan for FY 2024 as of June 30, 2024View
Annual Procurement Plan for FY 2024 as of January 2024View
Annual Procurement Plan for FY 2023 as of January 2023View
Annual Procurement Plan for FY 2022 as of December 2022View
Annual Procurement Plan for FY 2021 as of December 2021View
Annual Procurement Plan for FY 2020 as of November 2020View
Annual Procurement Plan for FY 2019 as of June 2019View
Annual Procurement Plan for FY 2018 as of September 2018View
Title Action
Freedom of Information (FOI) ManualView